
Integrate wmbusmeters with DOMOTICZ


Create dummy hardware and device

  1. Go to Setup -> Hardware
    • Name: anything, e.g. “wmbusmeter_sensors” (this name is only used internally)
    • Type: “Dummy (does nothing, use for virtual switches only)”
    • Click on ‘Add’
  2. Create Virtual Sensors
    • Click on ‘Create Virtual Sensors’ from the table of hardware above
    • Name: anything, e.g. “Water Consumption” (this name is displayed on the dashboard etc.)
    • Sensor type: “Custom Sensor”
    • Axis Label: “m3” - Click ‘Ok’
  3. Get idx of relevant virtual sensors
    • Go to Setup -> Devices
    • Note the Idx of your virtual sensor

Setup MQTT

  1. Go to Setup -> Hardware
    • Name: anything, e.g “MQTT”
    • Type: MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface
    • Remote Address: IP/name of MQTT server, e.g. “localhost”
    • Port: 1883
    • Everything else should be ok, so click on the Add button at the bottom.

Option 1 - preffered

In your meter configuration located in /etc/wmbusmeters.d/ add MQTT configuration, where XYZ is Idx of your virtual sensor

shell=/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t domoticz/in -m "{\"idx\":XYZ,\"svalue\":\"$METER_TOTAL_M3\"}"

When data is sent by wmbusmeters check in domoticz WUI under Utility tab if created sensor is updated with new value

Option 2 - more hackinsh

- Steps below involves modification of sqlite DB - remeber to make backups before modifications!

Change sensor ID in domoticz

  1. Stop domoticz and make backups!!!!
  2. Find location of your domoticz installation and open db - sqlite3 domoticz.db
  3. Select from db your sensor just to verify that it is correct one (ID is idx from gui) -
    SELECT * FROM DeviceStatus WHERE ID = 2;

    and check also sensor ID from wmbusmeters config to verify that ID is not taken (should not return anything) -

    SELECT * FROM DeviceStatus WHERE ID = 01234567;
  4. Update domoticz virtual sensor ID to ID of meter that you added to wmbusmeters config -
    UPDATE DeviceStatus SET ID = 01234567 WHERE ID = 2;
  5. Select once more meter to verify changes -
    SELECT * FROM DeviceStatus WHERE ID = 01234567;
  6. Exit db -
  7. Start domoticz

Repeate steps above for each sensor

In /etc/wmbusmeters.conf add MQTT configuration

shell=/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t domoticz/in -m "{\"idx\":$METER_ID,\"svalue\":\"$METER_TOTAL_M3\"}"

When data is sent by wmbusmeters check in domoticz WUI under Utility tab if created sensor is updated with new value